Mongolia Flyfishing Adventure FAQ
Are you thinking about taking a fly fishing trip to Mongolia with Stream Side Adventures? The following frequently asked questions provide brief answers to many common questions about our Mongolia adventure, and how to prepare for your trip. Please check here for answers before calling or sending an email to Stream Side Adventures with your questions - it could save both of us some time.
How do I get there?
Mongolia is literally on the other side of the world form the US. Single stop flights to Ulaanbaatar (code ULN) are available on several airlines from Chicago, New York, or San Francisco. Some flights may require an overnight in Beijing or Seoul.
What about a Visa?
Mongolia tourist visa is not required for citizens of United States for a stay up to 90 days.
Is Mongolia safe?
There have been no significant acts of terrorism or extremism in Mongolia, and there are no regions of instability in the country. Street crime occurs primarily in Ulaanbaatar, the capital. Most of the street crime is non-violent. The most common crimes against foreigners are pickpocketing and bag snatching.
What about health issues?
The Center for Disease Control (CDC) web site provides information on vaccinations and immunizations. We suggest you check with your insurance carrier and purchase additional insurance and/or evacuation insurance as appropriate.
What fishing gear should I bring?
We will be fishing rivers with Taimen. Some of which will exceed 3 feet in length. For Taimen 8, 9, or 10 weights with floating and sink-tip lines. In addition to Taimen we will be fishing for Lenok (also known as Asiatic trout or Manchurian trout) and Grayling. For these species a 3, 4 or 5 wt rod and a floating and sink-tip line is appropriate. Once you book your trip we will provide more information on what to bring.
Other Questions? Call us at 913-645-1994 or E-mail